A Night at the Opera
A true vocal bouquet
Since the 18th Century, opera has been the genre that, more than any other, provides composers with the greatest fame. Composers have consequently competed intensely with each other to ensure that listeners are struck by and remember their melodies. This program offers a particularly rich and varied bouquet, from Mozart to Strauss, to the irresistible Offenbach.
Julie, Victoria and Pablo Matías have concocted a unique program, divided into two parts, the first in Russian and German, and the second in French and Italian.
Alternating between piano solos and lyrics sung either solo or in duo, the three performers accompany the audience on a voyage through time and aesthetics. The proposed recital covers one and a half centuries of musical creation in a genre that audiences particularly
Sergueï Rachmaninov
Andante op.19 - piano solo
Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovsky
Duo Lisa-Pauline
La pucelle d'Orleans - mezzo
Snegourotchka - soprano
Richard Strauss
Duo Sophie-Octavian
Engelbert Humperdink
Duo Hänsel und Gretel
Franz Liszt
Paraphrase de concert sur Rigoletto - piano solo
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Duo Marzelline-Susanna
Air de Cherubino - mezzo
Duo Annio-Servillia
Charles Gounod
Air de Juliette - soprano
Jacques Offenbach
Duo Barcarolle
Vincenzo Bellini
Duo Romeo e Giulietta
Victoria Shereshevskaya
Julie Gebhart